NEW Hair Sheet music

I've been searching the web for weeks now trying to find a sheet music version of Hair by Lady Gaga for the piano. With no luck so far, I finally tried and BAM, instantly, there it was on the front page. Hair is a pretty simple song, for me at least, but some of you might have trouble learning to play Hair by Lady Gaga on the piano. Start slow, perhaps with the chorus, and practice, practice, practice!

My uncle was visiting me the other day. I love it when he comes by. He plays the piano. I asked him if he could give me a free lesson on how to play Hair. Hair by Lady Gaga is a challenging song. He started to play it by ear, then told me to find a music sheet. After I did a little digging around I found Hair had just been added at Piano-Sheets!
Hair by Lady Gaga free sheet music "Decide what you want... believe you can have it, believe you deserve it, believe it's possible for you."


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