Cats in Lakeland, FL - discount code

The Cats discount code has been added: During this Cats discount you will have an opportunity to buy great hot show tickets while saving money. discount  for Cats tickets in Lakeland - FL (Lakeland Center Youkey Theatre) This might be the last chance ever to see Cats live in Lakeland.

Here is what we know about the Cats show:

Lakeland Center Youkey Theatre
Lakeland, FL
Thu, Feb 9, 2012 07:30 PM

Onsale to General Public
Start: Mon, 09/19/11 10:00 AM EDT

Me + 3 Promotional Offer

Special Offers on 4 Tickets!
Start: Mon, 09/19/11 10:00 AM EDT
End: Thu, 02/09/12 06:30 PM EST

You can use this discount coupon codes and information to order your tickets:

Here's a Tip: When searching for show tickets through Livenation, please remember that Best Available is not always the best option... you may find that "the best" is out of your price range or not what you expected. I recommend choosing a price level or an area of the venue to limit your search.
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