James Blunt – Palais Des Sports – presale code

WiseGuys has the James Blunt pre-sale password!! During this James Blunt pre-sale everyone who has the password has the chance to order sweet seats before anyone else!!! James Blunt presale passcode for concert tickets in Sherbrooke, QC (Palais Des Sports) You might not get another opportunity to see James Blunt’s concert in Sherbrooke!
Here is what we know about the James Blunt concert:

James Blunt
Palais Des Sports
Sherbrooke, QC
Thur, Nov 24, 2011

Onsale to General Public
Starts: Sat, 09/24/11 10:00 AM EDT

Starts: Mon, 09/19/11 10:00 AM EDT
The presale ends at: Fri, 09/23/11 10:00 PM EDT

You can use the following pre-sale passwords and information to get tickets:


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