What are top 10 movies that you dislike that everyone seems to love?

Here are mine: 1. Scarface 2. Face/Off 3. Borat 4. A Christmas Story 5. Rain Man 6. 300 7. I Am Legend 8. Titanic 9. Enternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 10. The Waterboy what's yours? -Pineapple Express (didn't find it funny at all, Tropic Thunder is way better)
-Monster's Ball
-American Beauty
-I Am Legend (to steal from your list; if it were based off the book it'd be great, but as is it's below average)
-Donnie Darko (I just thought it was so-so, a little too hipster-emo for me)
-Paul Blart: Mall Cop (not going to go there)
-A Beautiful Mind
-The Bourne Ultimatum (I thought it was the weakest Bourne film, but based on my friends I'm apparently wrong)
-Any Pirate of the Carribean film after Part 1 (I kind of get the charm of the first film,... after that they should have stopped)
-Babel (I took a chance and bought this movie based on all the acclaim and awards it won.. found it a slow and unrewarding viewing... I still haven't seen the last 10 minutes... I keep falling asleep)


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