Capital One Just for Laughs Comedy Tour presale password for performance in Kelowna, BC

WiseGuys has the Capital One Just for Laughs Comedy Tour pre-sale passcode! During this special presale period you have got an opportunity to purchase show tickets before anyone else. Capital One Just for Laughs Comedy Tour pre-sale password for early tickets in Kelowna Now is the time to order your tickets รข€" before they go onsale and sell out! Order your tickets now to see Capital One Just for Laughs Comedy Tour in Kelowna!!
Here is what we know about the Capital One Just for Laughs Comedy Tour hot show:

Capital One Just for Laughs Comedy Tour
Kelowna Community Theatre
Kelowna, BC
Wed, Nov 16, 2011 07:00 PM

Onsale to General Public
This Presale Starts at: Tue, 10/18/11 10:00 AM PDT

Travel Zoo Offer
This Presale Starts at: Tue, 10/18/11 10:00 AM PDT
The presale ends at: Wed, 11/16/11 05:30 PM PST

You can use this presale codes and information to purchase tickets:


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