Lady Antebellum: Own the Night 2012 World Tour’s show in Nashville, TN – presale code

A Lady Antebellum: Own the Night 2012 World Tour presale passcode is available below!! This is a great chance for you to get Lady Antebellum: Own the Night 2012 World Tour concert tickets before the public! Lady Antebellum: Own the Night 2012 World Tour presale code for show tickets in Nashville, TN (Nashville Municipal Auditorium) This could very well be your only opportunity ever to see Lady Antebellum: Own the Night 2012 World Tour live in Nashville, TN.
Here are the Lady Antebellum: Own the Night 2012 World Tour concert details:

Lady Antebellum: Own the Night 2012 World Tour
Nashville Municipal Auditorium
Nashville, TN
Wed, Feb 22, 2012 07:30 PM

Onsale to General Public
Start: Fri, 11/04/11 10:00 AM CDT

Fan Club Presale and Bundle
Start: Mon, 10/31/11 10:00 AM CDT
End: Thu, 11/03/11 10:00 PM CDT

Country Radio Presale
Start: Wed, 11/02/11 10:00 AM CDT
End: Thu, 11/03/11 10:00 PM CDT

LIve Nation & LN Mobile App Presale
Start: Thu, 11/03/11 10:00 AM CDT
End: Thu, 11/03/11 10:00 PM CDT

You can use the following presale codes and information to buy tickets:

  • You could join the artist’s fanclub by purchasing a “FanClub Bundle” at the same time as your tickets. Learn More â€" Note that this might not be required, there may be other presales listed you can use without joining the fanclub.
  • To take advantage of one of the presales for this event you need to already be a member of the artist’s fanclub to participate in this presale, or you must have a UNIQUE code: Learn More â€" note that there may be other presales you can take advantage of to get tickets without being a member of the fanclub.

Purchase your tickets.

Here is a tip you can use: If a presale code is not found in ticketmaster or livenation â€" check to make sure that the pre-sale is still valid: you could be looking at some out-dated information, finally remember that there might be more than one pre-sale happening â€" when there are several boxes where presale codes can be plugged in you might have to try a couple of combinations to find one that works.


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