Trevor Hall in New York, NY - presale code

The Trevor Hall presale password

has been added: For a LIMITED you can buy your very own tickets to Trevor Hall BEFORE the public. Trevor Hall pre-sale password for concert ticketsThe free pre-sale password for Trevor Halls concert in New York, NY gives access to tickets for a short time. This might be your best chance to see Trevor Hall perform! Here are all the event details you will need.

Trevor Hall

Mercury Lounge, New York, NY

Thu, Sep 16, 2010 06:30 PM

American Express

Starts: Wed, 08/04/10 12:00 PM EDT

Ends: Fri, 08/06/10 11:00 AM EDT

Trevor Hall is an American singer, lyricist and guitarist. He is most often noted for his song "Other Ways" which was a part of the Shrek the Third soundtrack.

Trevor Hall pre-sale password: to see the Trevor Hall pre-sale password.

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WISEGUY'S TIP: Our free pre-sale toolbar is a FREE tool for ticket buyers and concert fans: Download our community toolbar here.


  1. I just had to turn down a trevor hall show tonight due to my lack of dollas. Ultimate depression. Ultimate.

  2. Perhaps in tribute to Trevor Cherry, Leeds Utd stalwart of the late 70s?


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