Drake in Miami, FL - presale password

A NEW Drake pre-sale password has been added: this means that right now you can buy Drake tickets before anyone else! FREE Drake pre-sale code for concert tickets.The special free presale password for Drakes upcoming concert in Miami, FL unlocks tickets DAYS EARLY! This is your chance to see Drake perform. Here is the Drake concert information:

AT&T Presents The Light Dreams and Nightmares Tour Featuring Drake

James L Knight Center, Miami, FL

Mon, Sep 20, 2010 08:00 PM

Citi Cardmembers

Starts: Fri, 08/06/10 10:00 AM EDT

Ends: Tue, 08/24/10 10:00 PM EDT

Aubrey Drake Graham , who records under the mononym Drake, is a Canadian singer, rapper and actor. He originally became known for playing character Jimmy Brooks on the television series Degrassi: The Next Generation.

Drake pre-sale code: Click to view the Drake pre-sale password.

Is this Presale not working? Check for more recent Drake pre-sale passwords to find the newest one that works.

WiseGuys TIP: If tickets are not available during the first few minutes of a pre-sale, keep trying! Ticketmaster might say there are no tickets available, but keep trying for a little while you might be surprised at what you find!


  1. The bank finally put my pay check into my acct. Now the WWE and/or the arena need to send me the presale password for tomorrow. COME ON!!!

  2. hey what is the presale password for the Tired Pony. Signed up for the mailing list, but didn't get it. Thanks!


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