WWE Presents Smackdown TV presale password for performance in Grand Rapids, MI

A WWE Presents Smackdown TV presale password is available below: When the WWE Presents Smackdown TV pre-sale starts, YOU WILL have an opportunity to acquire great seats before they go on sale. WWE Presents Smackdown TV pre-sale password for wrestling show tickets in Grand Rapids, MI (Van Andel Arena) Now is the time to purchase your tickets รข€" before they go onsale and sell out! Buy your tickets now to see WWE Presents Smackdown TV in Grand Rapids, MI!
Here are the WWE Presents Smackdown TV performance details:

WWE Presents Smackdown TV
Van Andel Arena
Grand Rapids, MI
Tue, Apr 24, 2012 07:00 PM

Onsale to General Public
Start: Sat, 03/17/12 10:00 AM EDT

Venue Presale
Start: Fri, 03/16/12 10:00 AM EDT
End: Fri, 03/16/12 10:00 PM EDT

You can use this pre-sale passwords and information to order your tickets:


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