Once in awhile everyone makes mistakes: Jiffy Lube Live caves to fans, revives tailgating

photo of livenation - Jiffy Lube Live caves to fans, revives tailgating

Jiffy Lube Live caves to fans, revives tailgating

Jiffy Lube Live banned tailgating last spring over concern about endless tailgates and excessive drinking at its massive parking lot, Ambassadors. Fans were aghast, creating a handful of "Boycott Jiffy Lube" Facebook groups and online petitions.

On Thursday, the venue, run by Live Nation, announced it would bring tailgating back starting with the new concert season under a new set of rules and increased supervision from police and staff.

The Bristow, Va.-based venue describes the return of the tailgates not as a cave-in to fan demand, but a reconfiguration of a tradition the venue had been well known for.

To keep the tailgating in check, the venue came up with a new set of guidelines in in cooperation with Prince William County Police; they are:

-  "All parking is on a first come, first served basis and spaces cannot be reserved or held for other cars.  Each car must occupy only one space and all tailgating activities must occur directly in front, behind or inside the car.  Due to the space challenges and safety concerns, tents will not be allowed in order to keep all pedestrian and drive isles free from obstruction."

- The venue promises to work with police to enforce the ban on open containers. Underage drinking is, of course, forbidden.

- BBQ grills are allowed, and the venues promises to designate coal containers and dumpsters for trash.

 - The lot will now be regularly patrolled by venue staff, who will look to see that fans follow the tailgating guidelines.

The venue hopes to keep the tailgates as "safe" and "fan-friendlly," general manager Matt Rogers said in a statement.

“We are confident in our fans to do so responsibly, creating an enjoyable concert-experience for all,” Rogers said.

Jiffy Lube Live's concert season typically starts in May, though it has not yet set a start date.

Concerts should begin to be announced next month. Jason Aldean, Brad Paisley and Stevie Nicks, in one of the best concerts of the year, performed there in 2011.


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