Big Time Rush – Fox Theatre Detroit – presale code

The latest Big Time Rush presale code is now on our blog. Anyone with this pre-sale information will have a great opportunity to buy great seats before they go on sale!!! Big Time Rush presale password for concert tickets in Detroit, MI (Fox Theatre Detroit) Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to see Big Time Rush’s concert in Detroit, MI!
Here are all the Big Time Rush concert details:

Big Time Rush
Fox Theatre Detroit
Detroit, MI
Sat, Feb 25, 2012 07:00 PM

Onsale to General Public
Start: Sat, 11/19/11 10:00 AM EST

Start: Tue, 11/15/11 10:00 AM EST
End: Fri, 11/18/11 10:00 PM EST

You can use the following presale passwords and information to buy your tickets:

  • 8005253355 or AMEX â€" an American Express Card is required â€" More info here

Buy your Big Time Rush tickets.

WiseGuys Suggests: When a presale password says it is not in the system â€" double check that the pre-sale is still valid: you might be looking at a very old post, secondly remember that there might be more than one presale â€" if there are multiple boxes where presale passwords can be plugged in you may need to try a few different combinations to find the right one.


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