WiseGuys Presale Passwords » presale code: Smashing Pumpkins – Terminal 5 – presale code

Ken writes::

WiseGuys has the Smashing Pumpkins presale code: Anyone with this presale information will have a great opportunity to buy tickets before anyone else!!! presale password for Smashing Pumpkins tickets in New York - NY (Terminal 5) You might not get another opportunity to see Smashing Pumpkins’s concert in New York!!
Here are all the Smashing Pumpkins concert details:

Smashing Pumpkins
Terminal 5
New York, NY
Tue, Oct 18, 2011 06:00 PM

Onsale to General Public
Start: Fri, 08/19/11 12:00 PM EDT

American Express
Start: Thu, 08/18/11 12:00 PM EDT
End: Fri, 08/19/11 11:00 AM EDT

You can use the following pre-sale passcodes and information to get tickets:

  • 8005253355 or AMEX â€" an American Express Card is required â€" More info here

Buy your tickets.

WiseGuys Suggests: If a pre-sale password isn’t found in ticketmaster or livenation â€" check to make sure that the presale is still valid: you might be looking at old information, secondly remember that there might be more than one presale â€" when there are a few boxes where presale passwords can be keyed in you might need to try a couple of different combinations to find the winning combination.

Original source: here


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