Hispanic Heritage Concert – Coachman Park – presale code

The Hispanic Heritage Concert pre-sale code everyone has been searching for is available for our members to use! While this limited time presale opportunity exists, you’ll have the chance to order Hispanic Heritage Concert concert tickets before the general public. Hispanic Heritage Concert presale password for concert tickets in Clearwater, FL (Coachman Park) If you don’t purchase your tickets to Hispanic Heritage Concert’s concert in Clearwater during this pre-sale you might not be able to order them before they are all gone!
Hispanic Heritage Concert concert details:

Hispanic Heritage Concert
Coachman Park
Clearwater, FL
Sun, Oct 9, 2011 12:00 PM

Onsale to General Public
This Presale Starts at: Tue, 08/30/11 10:00 AM EDT

Maxima Internet Presale
This Presale Starts at: Fri, 08/26/11 10:00 AM EDT
End: Sun, 08/28/11 11:59 PM EDT

You can use the following pre-sale codes and information to get tickets:


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