Wise Up Piano Sheets

I've been searching the web for weeks now trying to find a sheet music version of Wise Up by Aimee Mann for the piano. With no luck so far, I finally tried piano-sheets.net and BAM, instantly, there it was on the front page. Wise Up is a pretty simple song, for me at least, but some of you might have trouble learning to play Wise Up by Aimee Mann on the piano. Start slow, maybe with the chorus, and practice, practice, practice!

SWEET! I feel like a milling bucks, and I'll give you the scoop - PianoSheets has just released a new free piano arrangement: Wise Up. Wise Up by Aimee Mann is a catchy song - Wise Up, or to be very clear: Wise Up by Aimee Mann is great, and the sheet music ir really well done. Now I can finally learn how to play Wise Up on the piano - by using the free Wise Up piano sheet I linked to at Piano-Sheets.

Wise Up by Aimee Mann free piano sheet Something to think about: ""You create your own universe as you go along" Winston Churchill."


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