Neon Indian in Toronto, ON and Portland, OR - presale code
The Neon Indian presale password
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Neon Indian
Wonder Ballroom, Portland, OR
Tue, Sep 28, 2010 08:00 PM
Starts: Fri, 07/30/10 10:00 AM PDT
Ends: Fri, 07/30/10 05:00 PM PDT
Neon Indian is a chillwave band from Denton, Texas. The music is composed by Alan Palomo, also known for his work with the band Ghosthustler and as the artist VEGA. The band's debut, Psychic Chasms has received many favorable reviews, including the designation of Best New Music and 14th best album of 2009 by Pitchfork Media.Rolling Stone Magazine called Neon Indian one of the hottest new bands of 2010.
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