Bad Brains in Anaheim, CA - presale password

The New Bad Brains pre-sale password

is here: During this presale you can buy your Bad Brains tickets before the public. Bad Brains fanclub pre-sale password for concert tickets in Anaheim, CAThe free pre-sale password for Bad Brainss concert in Anaheim, CA unlocks tickets for a short time. This is your chance to buy a pair and see the concert. Below is the Bad Brains concert info:

Bad Brains

House of Blues Anaheim, Anaheim, CA

Fri, Aug 20, 2010 07:00 PM

Citi Cardmembers

Starts: Thu, 05/13/10 10:00 AM PDT

Ends: Thu, 08/19/10 03:00 PM PDT

Live Nation Presale

Starts: Thu, 05/13/10 10:00 AM PDT

Ends: Thu, 05/13/10 10:00 PM PDT

Bad Brains is an American hardcore punk band formed in Washington, D.C. in 1977. They are widely regarded as among the pioneers of the genre,though the band's members objected to the term "hardcore" to describe their music.

Bad Brains pre-sale password: to see the Bad Brains pre-sale password.

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  1. shiiit i was having a good dream. :( i dreamed that shinee's second album was up for presale. :O track list & everything was revealed ;-;

  2. Doing anything this Saturday? Come to AUF's show with Junior Doctor and The Starlight Getaway. Presale tickets are $5. 18 & up only.

  3. terrencebartlett91July 13, 2010 at 4:35 PM

    let's figure out who wants to go, we have til Thursday for the presale. I'm definitely in.

  4. I just got an email for a Nickelback presale. WTF? And nooo thank you. (How embarrassing!)

  5. The presale link for Trey Songz is not workin Whats the deal z1079


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