Band of Horsess event in Houston, TX Oct 06, 2021 – presale password

WiseGuys has the Band of Horses pre-sale code! For a little while you can purchase tickets before the general public. Band of Horses presale code Now is the best time to buy your tickets – before they go onsale and sell out! Purchase your tickets as quickly as you can to see Band of Horses in Houston, TX!
Here are the Band of Horses event details:

Band of Horses
House of Blues Houston
Houston, TX
Wed, Oct 6, 2021 07:00 PM

Onsale to General Public
The presale begins at: Fri, 07/30/21 10:00 AM CDT
End: Wed, 10/06/21 05:00 PM CDT

Citi Cardmember Presale
The presale begins at: Thu, 07/29/21 10:00 AM CDT
End: Thu, 07/29/21 10:00 PM CDT

Live Nation Presale
The presale begins at: Thu, 07/29/21 10:00 AM CDT
End: Thu, 07/29/21 10:00 PM CDT

You can use the following pre-sale passwords and information to order your tickets:

Access this Presale Password on



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