The Stampederss show in Lindsay, ON Apr 23, 2020 – pre-sale password

A Stampeders pre-sale passcode is now available! For a very limited time you can order your tickets before the public. The Stampeders pre-sale password Now is the best time to order your tickets – before they go onsale and sell out! Order your tickets now to see The Stampeders in Lindsay.
Here are all the Stampeders performance details:

The Stampeders
Academy Theatre for Performing Arts
Lindsay, ON
Thu, Apr 23, 2020 05:30 PM

Onsale to General Public
Start: Tue, 12/03/19 12:00 PM EST
The presale ends at: Thu, 04/23/20 07:30 PM EDT

Presale offer
Start: Tue, 11/26/19 12:00 PM EST
The presale ends at: Tue, 12/03/19 10:00 AM EST

You can use the following pre-sale passwords and information to order your tickets:

Access this Presale Password on



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