Brand New Behind The Waterfall Piano sheets

I've been searching the web for weeks now trying to find a sheet music version of Behind The Waterfall by David Lanz for the piano. With no luck so far, I finally tried and BAM, instantly, there it was on the front page. Behind The Waterfall is a pretty simple song, for me at least, but some of you might have trouble learning to play Behind The Waterfall by David Lanz on the piano. Start slow, maybe with the chorus, and practice, practice, practice!

SWEET I feel like celebrating, and I'll tell you why - PianoSheets has just released a new free piano sheet: Behind The Waterfall. Behind The Waterfall by David Lanz is a great tune - Behind The Waterfall, or to be very clear: Behind The Waterfall by David Lanz is great, and the sheet music ir really well done. Now I can finally learn how to play Behind The Waterfall on the piano - by practicing with the Behind The Waterfall piano sheets I linked to for all of you.

Behind The Waterfall by David Lanz sheet music Here's today's quote of the minute: "You can change your emotion immediately... by thinking of something joyful, or singing a song, or remembering a happy experience."


  1. Up studying in this beautiful weather :) clear skies awesome breeze and a waterfall right behind me! God bless!

  2. love the budget cuts for Anaconda as they arrive with the waterfall behind them then leaving they used the same footage backwards

  3. IfIHadSuperpowers With my Billionssss I would invest in a house behind a waterfall IN a mountain sumwhere in africa.


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